Reolink Solar Panel 2 - White (6W)


This 6W Reolink solar panel is perfect for Reolink cameras.

The solar panel is waterproof and can also be charged via the included adapter. With this panel you can leave your camera much longer in the field, without having to go back to replace the batteries!

This 6W Reolink solar panel is perfect for Reolink cameras. The panel is 21 by 18 cm.

Solar panel to be used with various Reolink cameras.

- Solar panel with USBC connection
- The package also includes an adapter to Micro USB
- Supplied with 4 meter extension cable
- With only a few hours sunlight per day yet continuous power supply
- For use in all weather conditions

More Information
Accessories suitable / intended forTrail cameras, Custom-built camera trap systems
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