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Would you like to rent specialised equipment for your monitoring for a short period of time? Wildlife Monitoring Solutions is the right place for that too. In fact, with us you can also rent equipment! We currently offer thermal imaging cameras, night vision goggles and wildlife cameras within our rental range. Details per product can be found below. However, if you are looking for a specific other device or model, please ask us about the possibilities. If you are curious about the general rental conditions, please check them here.
It is not possible to rent equipment directly through the website yet, so if you are interested, please contact us via email (info@wildlifemonitoringsolutions.nl), chat (bottom left), or phone (06-43444755).
The Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro is a real standout! This monocular thermal imaging camera boasts very high-quality and comprehensive features, including Wifi, a built-in rangefinder, picture-in-picture mode, multiple scene function and as many as eight different colour palettes. Besides a relatively wide field of view (220m at 1000m distance), this thermal imaging camera has a focal length of 50mm (F1.0) a range of more than 1500m. This allows you to view an animal or object in detail from afar. The combination of a high frame rate (50hz), a 640x480 detector (17μm) and an AMOLED display ensures sharp real-time images during dynamic and fast movements. In addition, this topper features a Boost function that gives you extremely sharp contours. Additional features of the Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 Pro include: - Photo and video recording capability on internal storage - WiFi connectivity for real-time image viewing on smartphone or tablet - 640x480 @ 17μm sensor resolution and Full HD display (1024x768 AMOLED) - Magnification from 2.5x to 20x (2x-8x digital zoom),with manual focus
Rental rates:
1 week: € 200,- ex VAT
2 weeks: € 375,- ex VAT
1 month: € 750,- ex VAT
2 months: € 1.250,- ex VAT
What's included: The Pulsar Helion 2 XP50 PRO is rented out including battery with usb charging cable and mains adapter, wrist strap, and carrying case.
Deposit: A deposit of € 500,- ex VAT per device applies, which must be paid before the start of the rental period. The deposit will be deducted from the rental amount at the end of the rental period.
The Luna Optics LN-G3-B50 is a binocular day and night scope from the 3rd generation of digital night vision goggles. The scope has a 50mm lens and an optical 6x magnification, which you can magnify up to 36x with a digital zoom. With a state-of-the-art AMOLED-Q display, laser rangefinder, 16.1 megapixel (!) photo recorder and a viewing distance of up to 600m in complete darkness, the LN-G3-B50 offers performance that is unmatched in the market. Additional nominal specifications of the Luna Optics LN-G3-B50 night vision goggles include: - Day and night recording possible. Use as a camera or binoculars during the day - Different image modes: Night vision green, black/white and Amber - Adjustable infrared beam - Laser-range finder
Rental rates:
1 week: € 150,- ex VAT
2 weeks: € 275,- ex VAT
1 month: € 500,- ex VAT
2 months: € 900,- ex VAT
What's included: The Luna Optics LN-G3-B50 night vision goggles are rented out including a set of rechargeable batteries + battery charger, a 32GB memory card, usb connection cable, wrist strap, and carrying bag.
Deposit:A deposit of € 500,- ex VAT per device applies, which must be paid before the start of the rental period. The deposit will be deducted from the rental amount at the end of the rental period.
The Wilsus Tradenda 4G Wireless is our flagship among wireless wildlife cameras. Equipped with our proprietary software, this model features extensive setting options and remote control options via commands sent from the accompanying app. The 4G Wireless functionality makes this camera ideal for observation of hard-to-reach places or places that should be disturbed as little as possible (e.g. meadow bird nests) and for theft prevention (e.g. keeping a holiday home in view). It is also possible to request an image of that moment by means of a command, and it is possible to receive a daily report including an image of that moment at a fixed time every day. So you always know immediately whether the system is still operational and whether everything is still set up properly. Additional appointment-worthy specifications of the Wilsus Tradenda 4G Wireless are: - Detection range of 25 metres / flash range of 20 metres - Maximum photo resolution of 24MP / 1080p Full HD video resolution - Hybrid function and time-lapse functionality
Rental rates:
1 week: € 60,- ex VAT
2 weeks: € 100,- ex VAT
1 month: € 175,- ex VAT
2 months: € 300,- ex VAT
What's included: The Wilsus Tradenda 4G Wireless is rented out including a set of rechargeable batteries + battery charger, a 32GB memory card, a nylon webbing strap, a python cable lock, a steel case, and a WMS SIM card. The data usage of the WMS sim card is charged afterwards and added to the rental. We charge €7.50 ex VAT for this per 1000MB of data used.
Deposit:A deposit of € 200,- ex VAT per device applies, which must be paid before the start of the rental period. The deposit will be deducted from the rental amount at the end of the rental period.
The Browning Spec Ops ELITE HP4 is not only the ultimate camera trap to capture the more timid animals, but also functions well as a security camera. The Browning Spec Ops wildlife cameras are equipped with a completely invisible infrared flash and are therefore undetectable by people or animals in the vicinity. Furthermore, this model is equipped with all sorts of intricacies. You can adjust the detection and flash range, but the detection time is also adjustable (0.1s-0.7s). These nuggets allow you to make your wildlife camera even more specific to the desired target and setup. Additional nominal specifications of the Browning Spec Ops ELITE HP4 are: - Detection range of 24 metres / flash range of 27 metres - Maximum photo resolution of 22MP / 1080p HD video resolution - Dynamic video and time-lapse function, and activity timer - Multilingual user menu (including Dutch)
Rental rates:
1 week: € 30,- ex VAT
2 weeks: € 50,- ex VAT
1 month: € 80,- ex VAT
2 months: € 150,- ex VAT
What's included: The Browning 2021 Spec Ops Elite HP4 is rented out including a set of rechargeable batteries + battery charger, a 32GB memory card, a nylon webbing strap, a python cable lock, and a steel case.
Deposit:A deposit of € 150,- ex VAT per device applies, which must be paid before the start of the rental period. The deposit will be deducted from the rental amount at the end of the rental period.
It is not possible to rent equipment directly through the website, so if you are interested, please contact us via email (info@wildlifemonitoringsolutions.nl), chat (bottom left), or phone (06-43444755).